Enviromental Policy
Signature Travel is an OTA (Online Travel Agency) who specialises in formulating relations with both international and local suppliers and industry players to offer its B2B clients a comprehensive travel service. Travel services include but are not limited to accommodation, transfers, flights, car hire, cruises, tours and concierge services to name a few.
Signature Travel is committed to running its business in a responsible, environmentally sound and sustainable manner. We recognise that our supply chain, processes and products have both direct and indirect environmental impacts. We seek to identify these and to find effective ways of eliminating or reducing them. Our aim is to achieve continuous improvement in our environmental performance. Throughout our operations we regard compliance with the law as the minimum standard to be achieved and will put in place additional environmental programmes to go beyond compliance where appropriate.
Signature Travel is committed to ensuring that our actions effectively implement our environmental policy by adhering to the following:
- Clarity on accountability for environmental adherence and performance from top level management down to ground level as part of our good corporate governance.
- We use the latest technology available to provide energy saving benefits. When computer systems are upgraded we donate them to local high schools or community centres.
- We offer quotes and itineraries via digital platforms such as e-mail, Whatsapp, and online whenever possible.
- Our offices are cleaned using environmentally friendly cleaning products only and consumables are made from recyclable products.
- Our booking system is completely paperless and as far as possible all records are kept on web-based servers instead of stored in paper files.
- We only use e-ticketing to further strengthen our commitment towards being a paperless environment.
- We are committed to our reduction of wastepaper and when possible shred and recycle as much as we can.
- All trash and rubbish collected from staff throughout the company is sorted into various recycle bins.
- We ensure that our consumers and staff are informed about the importance of environmental impact and teach respect for nature
- Travel brochures, newsletters, information are all sent vie electronic format as a preference over paper.
- We only install energy saving lighting throughout our office.